Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Somerset Day 2: In which we discover begging and quicksand.

This man may look sweet, but he is a naughty, horrible, awful man.

Today Dave taught Hazel that if she sits nicely by the table and begs he will feed her. He is a bad, bad man. She was doing so well until then, mostly because we have no dining room table so she has very little experience with it and just cuddled up on the sofa. Not anymore:

But seriously, how do you resist this?!

So then we went to Burnham-on-Sea which has such a promising name, don't you think? As we were walking down to the beach there was a sign about being careful when the tide is out because there can be sinking sand and stuff. They weren't kidding. See the pool in this picture?

Dis is what we in the trade call quicksand. Which wouldn't have been such a problem but Hazel ran around and got on the other side of it and we couldn't really call her back because obviously she would plow right through the puddle. So! I tried to throw the Frisbee that we had with us over it so that she would go after that and avoid the puddle but my frisbee skills are nonexistent and the frisbee was sacrificed to the gods of the quicksand.

Apparently this did not appease them and when Hazel had learned to avoid the puddles the ground *next* to one of them opened up and tried to eat her. At this point one of us went dashing into the quicksand to rescue the puppy (rather than take a photo, she was rather stuck) who came out looking like this:

Only imagine it over her whole body. I came out looking like this:

Would have been a good day for the wellies.

So anyway, we got out of there and went home to play Stone age.

And have a cuddle under the chair.

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