Saturday, 30 May 2009


63/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

This is what Hazel does to our back yard. Her wee kills the grass and then for some un known reason she goes back and eats the grass--you can see the brown in the middle of the yellow. She is covering our lawn with bulls-eyes?

Friday, 29 May 2009


62/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

This is quite a bad picture, but it was rather a difficult shot. Fingers near Hazel's mouth have become chew toys. In any case. You can obviously see that there is a top tooth missing. She is also missing a bottom tooth here although you can't see it very easily. She lost a third one today--I'm pretty sure it's the one next to the tooth with the weird black spot on it. God only knows what that was. She eats some fun stuff.

Thursday, 28 May 2009


61/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

In an attempt to get Hazel to actually eat her food (I know, she is not a dog but some sort of alien) we got her a treat ball. It has been a big hit. It seems that the only way this girl will eat is if it is some sort of game--she had a little game with the measuring bowl that led to us getting the ball. She still hasn't finished a meal in her metal bowl without assistance but has so far eaten everything today out of the treat ball/measuring bowl. Woots.


60/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

We got a package from Auntie Dorene Tuesday. Inside was a stuffed elephant. We don't know what its intended use was but Hazel claimed it as hers >_>. Hopefully Auntie Dorene won't mind. We love you Dorene!

This was also the day that Hazel lost her first tooth so whatever she wanted to chew on that wasn't my hand or my jeans was okay with me.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009


59/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel's Daddy lost his wedding ring this weekend, so we spent much of Memorial Day (or Spring Bank Holiday, as my husband insists it is called) using the new metal detector to try to find it, but to no avail.

Monday, 25 May 2009


58/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

We went out to Ladybower reservoir yesterday so that Hazel could see a bigger expanse of water (we had considered a quick trip to the sea but decided that was excessive). She found this one spot and dug for a while which was interesting as she hasn't shown much interest in digging so far, luckily for our garden. We also got to see some sheep, a duck, and some fully grown springers. \

Sunday, 24 May 2009


57/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

This weekend is Hazel's last before she hits 16 weeks, when it is mostly agreed that she will lost her puppy fearlessness, so we have been doing all kinds of fun things to get her desensitized to them before they become frightening. Yesterday we went to a park where there was some anti-racism-and-football thing going on, so Hazel got to hear (loud) live music, watch some skateboarders/bmxers, watch some football, and even get a cuddle from some ambulance attendants. We then went onto the moor to get some chews--those teeth should be wiggling out any day now. We spent the afternoon at Dave's mom's house, which is where this picture was taken. She got to play with Meg for a few hours and wee on the floor which she hadn't done in ages. SIgh. Fun was had by all :P


56/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel and Bess learning to greet other dogs nicely at puppy class.