Tuesday, 15 September 2009


171, originally uploaded by missjoules.

On Sunday Hazel seemed to be feeling a little under the weather. That is to say, she was very cuddly and *always* underfoot/as close as possible. It was kind of cute, but also worrying. We are still back and forth with the vets at the moment because of her tummy troubles :(


170, originally uploaded by missjoules.

On Saturday Dave did some wiring in the living room. Hazel the ever loyal puppy lay outside the door the entire time. It was really cute.


169, originally uploaded by missjoules.

I do let my puppy outside, I swear! There just aren't many pictures because Hazel is not so good on the lead and adding the camera to the stuff I am carrying becomes a bit unwieldy. In any case, we go out to the field near our house every day so she gets some off-lead time, which you can see she rather enjoys.