Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Somerset Day 1: In which there is a lot of car travel and doggy pants.

Hazel was very adamant about us not leaving her behind:

Which we didn't, as she was parked at the front door whining the whole time we tried to load the car.

She traveled well though, spending most of the trip in the backseat foot-well, with the occasional nose poking into the front.

 Arrival! Dave looks puzzled.

Hazel was still a little bit leaky so she got to wear some lovely pants! She didn't pull them off and shred them, which was a surprise.

She didn't even notice notice them after a while.

Hazel had a snuggle and Dave and I played guillotine for the first time--and I brought it with me from America! But it was in the boxes of books that were stored upstairs and now they have all been brought down and re-shelved.

And then for the last out of the night, Daddy wore the super-stylish wellies. It's lucky they are so big on me :D

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