Sunday, 20 December 2009


Snowball!, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Here we are, Hazel and teh snowball.


267/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

So, I'm supposed to try to eat these white bits that fall from the sky, right?

Hazel is smitten with the snow now that she has gotten used to it. She loves trying to catch snowballs. I shall go and find a video for you as you have been beautiful and patient while waiting for photos.


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More snow, still not entirely sure about it though.


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Look what Auntie Dorene sent me!


074, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel's first snow! There wasn't much but it was enough to confuse her a bit. She was out to sniff and back in in about a half a second, but she eventually went out for a potty.


070, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel spent some extra time in her crate while Dave and I had a snuggle because it was our first wedding anniversary... How weird.


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Hazel as table. Haze napped in my lap while I worked on one of dave's Christmas presents. Just don't tell him :D


066, originally uploaded by missjoules.

The repairman came and exploded lovely dirty radiator water all over, even into the light switches, so we were without light for a few days. Shame there is no puppy-assisted-light.


060, originally uploaded by missjoules.

I was trying to show you how mucky she was but you can't really tell. She has pretty legs though, and you can see her beautiful extra dew claw there, which could do with a trim.


052, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Our boiler was broken and we were without heat or hot water for a few days. We were okay though because as you can see, we had puppy-assisted-heating.


051, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Her lip gets stuck in her teeth sometimes. Weirdo :D


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Hazel sat like this on the stairs waiting for Dave to get in one night. Very cute.


044, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Oh mummy, did you only take one photo again?


043, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Om nomnom, toilet paper roll!


040, originally uploaded by missjoules.

What do you mean, I have a leaf on my nose? Don't you think I would *know* if I had a leaf on my nose?


038, originally uploaded by missjoules.

We learned the other day that Hazel is capable of jumping over the baby gate when she jumped over something else that was the same height. However: when she was a small puppy Dave may have knocked the baby gate down the stairs while she was halfway up. She didn't even get touched by it but to this day she is terrified of the thing, so she doesn't jump it. Which is kind of good, or would be if she was less scarred for life.


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Tandem begging!


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Quit brushing my ears, I want to eat your hand!


014, originally uploaded by missjoules.

These are Hazel's new trainering people, they are a million times better than the last. Here they are teaching Hazel "hello," she is meant to sit when someone says it to her. She still gets a bit overexcited though and it takes a few minutes of running around like a mad little monkey before she is calmed down enough to hear that we are saying hello.


013, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Haze started getting really runny eyes this day, we think it is because of the cold. Looks a little icky. although this is a poor photo.


011, originally uploaded by missjoules.



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If you look closely you can see that Hazel has splattered splashes of mucky water all up the wall in the not-even-complete living room. It had been painted the day before. How I love her.


003, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel meets her new brother, stuffed bean bag lamb called Basil.

Hello, we are alive. I even have photos. I just seem to have problems getting them from the camera to the computer. Such is life. I will try to get some up in the next few days. For reals >_>