Thursday, 1 April 2010

There's something anyway!

Right-o, obviously it has been ages and ages since I last posted. I am a big fat bag o' fail, but thankfull Melissa (Hi Melissa!) put me in my place, so you can enjoy some more photos. These are only up to March 21st as I uploaded my camera that day, but I will get the rest up tomorrow...Especially since while I was being a nab and not uploading we passed the one year mark!!

...Yes I have only just realized this. I suck.


348, originally uploaded by missjoules.

This was the super cutest ever great that Hazel has ever done. What nicely sized and placed steps.


347, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Srsly? Take off the dang halti. C'mon!


346, originally uploaded by missjoules.

I was giving a Hazelback ride, she was cleaning my ears. I think this is best described as lose-lose.


345, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel enjoys the Jane Austen, just like mommy.


344, originally uploaded by missjoules.

We went to the grocery store and it had piggies that oink! Obviously Hazel needed one.


343, originally uploaded by missjoules.



342, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Snuffffffffffffley snuff.


341, originally uploaded by missjoules.

I gave up and took the 'we are trying to get our dog to stay' sign, because, honestly, it is just not working. She only kind of stays if it is Dave. Anyone else and she has to be put away or bounce all over.


340, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel gets really excited at Amanda's house--so many dogs and people--it is impossible to get a photo.


339, originally uploaded by missjoules.

CURTAINS! This was a happy day in the Watson house.


338, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Yeah, no good pictures from this day.


337, originally uploaded by missjoules.

This is more like it.


336, originally uploaded by missjoules.

We are at the sea and I am in a Halti. There is something very wrong with this picture. Perhaps if I look super sad they will let me off.


335, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel is always so happy looking when she is running like this. Or when she plays with another goggie.


334, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Ignore my dirty floor, please.


333, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Happy Birthday Daddy! Can I haz cupcake?


332, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel also Does Not Like balloons.


331, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Dave was trying to wii-fit jog, Hazel helped. Was good times.


330, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Sometimes this happens.


329, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel has a really really hard time staying when Daddy comes home.


328, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Happy Goggie. We just got in from a walk when this was taken, she spent about 5 minutes running around like a mad thing which is how she dries off. She is silly.


327, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel really hates her Halti. Really. Not that you can tell from this photo so much.


326, originally uploaded by missjoules.

It is nice enough to have the door open! Hurrahs!


325, originally uploaded by missjoules.

I'm going to get it!


324, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Playing with Daddy is Hazel's favorite thing ever, behind Outsides.


323, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel Does Not Like the vacuum.


322, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel got her good citizen certificate. Someone should probably explain to her what good means.


321, originally uploaded by missjoules.

it may be fuzzy, but it is the only picture from the 24th.


320, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Feet Pillow? Don't mind if I do!


319, originally uploaded by missjoules.

This is Hazel, under the bed. With a chew. Yep.

Sorry for the delay, I've been busy with, well, nothing >_> Except that I got the Sims 3 again! You know how it is.