Friday, 13 November 2009


233, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Shredded toilet paper roll. She got one on her first day here and they are still on of her favorite things, although these days it takes more like 3 minutes to shred and not the 3 days it first took her.


232, originally uploaded by missjoules.

That white speck on hazel's nose that you see is part of Hazel's food bowl. Yeah. That chewing noise was *not* on her rawhide...


231, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel tired after her puppy class all cuddled up with me as I read the handbook. Good times.


230, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel won piggy ears in a photo competition. It is difficult, but she can manage to sit and stay and not go after them... for a few seconds.


229, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel is a hand towel stealing monkey, but gosh is she cute when she does it.


228, originally uploaded by missjoules.

We do not have many profile photos of Hazel. She is equally lovely from this angle.