Monday, 26 April 2010

The helpfulest doggy in the whole world.

Hazel, greatest dog in the world, has a penchant for pants.

This picture reminded me a lot of one of the early photos.

This one, from day 12:

She is kind of good at getting her nose in the way. But I can't hold it against her.

Okay, I know I should not encourage this. But how stinking cute does this look?! Besides, any important mail goes in the mail box these days, she is allowed to shred random junk that comes through the post slot. Dave does not approve though. But heck if I'm racing her to the door to get the junk mail, Hazel is one speedy doggy.

We did some work in the living room this weekend for the first time in, oh, approximately thirteenth weeks. Hazel was very helpful:

And nuzzley:

And just did not understand why this happened to her:

In news not entirely related to the doggy princess of the universe (am I allowed to write about anything else?!), there are some jobs in our house that are known as "Dave Jobs." These include but are not limited to taking out the garbage, moving the lawn, and anything involving insects. This is also a Dave job:

Which Hazel and I braved this afternoon. Are you wondering why this is a Dave job?

Because for some reason when I try to put it all back together there are just too many wires and not enough things to stick them in. Also, nothing works in the end. Meh.

So anyway Hazel got a little bit emo because I was paying far too much attention to plugging wires into the wrong things and fitting the doors of furniture back on. But it's okay because it's cute:

Yes, I know, we would all rather be at Brooks. Yum.

Moving right along, Haze gave the recycling center a head start with the boxes that the cupboard doors I put on today came in. She also managed to almost her her nose mallet-ed like 5000 times and liked to put her nose approximately 2 millimeters from whatever was being screwed. With the electric screwdriver thingy.

And then she got into the screwdriver action herself:

So yes, I do think that I have the super most awesomely helpful dog in the whole world. If you have any flat-pack furniture to put together soon and you are looking for a nice little helper, Hazel is available at the bargain price of £15/hour or you could just give her a chewy. Either or.

We are off to Somerset Thursday-Monday which is exciting because A. I had actually heard of Somerset before I came to England, B. At the seaside we can get a 99!, C. We are totally passing a Krispy Kreme in Birmingham, and I plan to force Dave to stop but he is none to keen. D. I am hoping for another super-secret-stop on the way down or back but have not heard anything yet so we'll keep that on the down low E. Holiday means a new board game! We ordered Stone Age but it hasn't even shipped, so we also bought Munchkin in town this afternoon, F. We are staying here and it looks pretty awesome, G. I am really taking this alphabet list too far. Suffice to say that I am excited, fun should be had by all, and you should get some cute pictures of our Lord and Master, Hazel.