Saturday, 2 May 2009


35/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel's new favorite toy--the camera strap. Sigh.

Friday, 1 May 2009


34/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel got her second jab, and I asked the vet to look at her right ear and apparently it is ever so slightly inflamed. I felt really really guilty, because I had just been cleaning it out every night at the advice of the nurse, so poor Haze has been walking around with an ear problem for a week and a half. To be fair, she didn't start itching at it until the day before the vet appointment. The poor little monkey had no idea what was coming last night, but boy did she this morning. I've never seen her squirm so much! Only 6 more days of drops :/

Thursday, 30 April 2009


33/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel was lying in the sun in the kitchen yesterday, but she perked up when I got out the camera. She is such a ham :)

Wednesday, 29 April 2009


32/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel's Armadillo got stitches yesterday! Hazel has taken her first victim.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009


31/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

The other day Hazel ran up the stairs. It's not something we really encourage because it is not the best for her little legs, but it is a good thing for her to do every once in a while when she is little so she doesn't end up afraid of them. Also, she got to the top and started to cry because all of the doors were closed and she was afraid of going down the big flight of stairs.

Last night however, she made it up and then down again (and would have gone up & down & up & down & up & down &... if we let her), so the baby gate has been firmly placed at the foot of the stairs. She still thinks it is a fun game though and whenever we are in the hallway she goes to check that it is there, I'm sure she would be up (and down) in a flash if it weren't.

Monday, 27 April 2009


Extra, originally uploaded by missjoules.

I did not take this picture, it is from Hazel's breeders, I just think it is absolutely the cutest thing in the whole world.

So, here's a story for you! I found out about Hazel's litter--I don't even remember where anymore--and I went to the website that they had set up and there was a group picture with all of the puppies and their mommy. It is super cute. The second I saw the picture I noticed Hazel because she had the most color on her, and decided that *that* was the puppy I wanted. Of course, I didn't know if it was even a girl, and I tried really hard not to get my hopes up, so when we went to see the puppies and they showed us the two liver girls left and Hazel was one of them I was super excited! Of course I wanted to take both of them home, but when I had to pick one of them it was Hazel, hands down.

Dave does not know this. So shh.


30/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel got her first mail, it is from the vet's reminding her that she needs to be wormed... which she doesn't :P She was wormed at 2, 4, 6, and then 10 weeks because she went to a monthly wormer, which means she will need her next tablet at 14 weeks. We will still probably pick it up on Thursday when we go for her second jabs but she doesn't need one until mid-May.

Anyway, from what I could tell, she was quite pleased with her postcard and thought it was yummy.

Sunday, 26 April 2009


29/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Ahh, so this is the wet of which you speak.

Hazel jumped into the shower with me :/