Wednesday, 5 August 2009


131, originally uploaded by missjoules.

I don't know why, but Hazel has taken to sitting with her mouth half-open lately. It is a bit silly looking. But we love her.


130, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Although Hazel has ridden on the bus multiple times, I have always forgotten to take pictures while we were riding. It turns out that it is rather difficult. This was the only one that didn't turn out rather blurry.

We were on the way to the vet, btw, and our little puppy-princess has a bit of colitis, but now has medicine as well so she should be good in a day or two.

Funny story: On the way to the vet I was trying to entertain Hazel with one of her toys which is really just an old bit of towel tied in a knot. It didn't go so well and by the time we got to the vet and got off the bus it was forgotten. About an hour later when we got on a bus with a different driver so bummer. But then after riding on the bus a few minutes the little boy who was in the seat we had been in was told by his mother to not touch that "filthy rag, who knows where it's been." And then of course, as soon as they got off I went ot investigate and there was Hazel's towel! Huzzah.

PS. It wasn't that gross, I just washed it like 3 days ago.

Sunday, 2 August 2009


129, originally uploaded by missjoules.

I don't know if the lack of big bush/tree thing gets the Hazel seal of approval. But she has thoroughly snuffled about and I imagine she will not miss the stingy insects it brought to the yard.


128, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Yesterday was Dave's mom's birthday so we spent the day with her and Meg. Hazel went and found every one of Meg's toys and brought them into the kitchen like some sort of dragon hoarder. She and Meg wrestled for ages. You'd think she'd be more tired today, but not so much.


127, originally uploaded by missjoules.

We have had to stack our whites and colors laundry baskets to keep *someone* from eating everything.