Friday, 11 September 2009


168, originally uploaded by missjoules.

This is Stick. He has been around here longer than Hazel. They met on her first outing to the backyard. Now, Stick lives outside, but sometimes Hazel doesn't follow the rules. Yesterday she grabbed Stick and raced into the house and straight into the partially open door--through which Stick would not fit. She tried a few times, bless her, and I laughed very, very hard. I was even able to get through the magic force-field and get the camera so you could all see, and she was still ramming into it and not realizing the Stick was preventing her from getting through.


167, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Oh no mommy, I know what's going to happen if I go in there!

Hazel is back to being left in the kitchen when we go out until she isn;t tempted by the carpet. The problem here is that once we've out her bed in the kitchen there is no way she's going in willingly.


166, originally uploaded by missjoules.

I just thought this was adorable. It is a bit fuzzy, unfortunately. Still cutes, though. And as you can see, she still has not grown out of her camera strap chewing if she can get her teeth on it.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009


165, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel is back to eating kibble! Yay! As fun as cooking her scrambled eggs was... Anyway, we are still not entirely sure what is wrong with her. We are waiting for a call from the vet.


164, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Mr. Armadillo has finally bit it. Or, at least, he lost a leg and a half and Hazel tried to eat his insides. Poor Armadillo, he was a fun toy. I shall miss him. Maybe I can talk Dave into getting another one, although he doesn't love it because when certain parts are chewed it sounds like she has some paper.


163, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel got a chewy hat. Then she got it stuck on her paw. It was entertaining. For us.


162, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel's new favorite game/toy is nosing the TV magnetic cabinet open. She has figured out that she has to push it to open it. It is ever so slightly annoying.


161/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Mehehe she has a very cute little brown nose.


160/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Well, the comic really says it all.

FAIL x2!


159/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

On this day there was a plumber up in the bathroom. He was very exciting and made lots of fun noises, but poor Hazel was trapped in with us. It was a hard day.