Saturday, 20 June 2009


85/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Friday, June 19 2009

It is a bit difficult to see but if you look above the yellow leaf near hazel's nose you can see a little diagonal line. She is a puppy-farmer. When we are outside she has some kind of leafy plant thing in her mouth. Always. We joked in puppy class that we would have to bring salad to use as treats.


84/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Thursday, 18 June 2009.

You cannot tell from her innocent look, but she is seconds away from eating that dandelion. It didn't stand a chance.

Thursday, 18 June 2009


83/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.


Wednesday, 17 June 2009


82/365, originally uploaded by missjoules.

As you can see, Hazel really likes the landing. She chills there whenever she can get to it. This picture is quite bad when you consider what I was trying to capture though, but if you zoom in you should be able to see it. Every once in a while she sits around with her tongue *just* poking out. It is adorable. She was doing that when this picture was taken, but got excited and moved when she was the camera so this was the only shot I could get.

Monday, 15 June 2009


81, originally uploaded by missjoules.

There was super rain today. The paved bit of our yard collected about 3 inches of rain. Hazel loved it.


80.5, originally uploaded by missjoules.

This is what the backs of my arms looked like by the time we got home. It is a poor picture, but I needed to get lotion on asap.


80, originally uploaded by missjoules.

I obviously didn't take this picture. I thought it might be good for reference though. See, this is what I did yesterday, which caused 80.5.

British grass and I are not friends.


79, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Hazel and her Nemesis, the baby gate. We try to get her to sit before coming over it and she usually does but as you can see, se gets rather excited when someone is coming down the stairs.


78, originally uploaded by missjoules.

T=Saturday was a bad day for my thumb. Hazel accidentally grabbed it instead of a toy twice! Silly monkey.


77, originally uploaded by missjoules.

When hazel gets tired her eyes get red. I tried to capture this for you but I think I kind of failed. Sorry. She's still pretty :)


76, originally uploaded by missjoules.

This is how Hazel says hello to us every time we let her out of her kennel or out of the kitchen or come home or whatever. She grabs a toy in her mouth (to prevent her from biting, she knows that's a no-no) and runs around and around you. She is just that excited. And it is really cute.