Thursday, 22 April 2010

Couch snoozing, ash clouds, and a trio of goobers,

Hazel continues to make a big ol' mess all over the place. I can't blame her, but I can't say that it's loads of fun either. You know how it is. But she is still really cute in her moping around the house. Exhibit A.

She gets really *really* excited when we go out every night, but she has stopped whining and crying all day long because she hasn't gotten her walk yet. This is a welcome change.

However, it also means that all the work we did to try and get her to not get so excited in the car that she squeaks with joy is a bit of a fail. Seriously, you want to know what it's like to ride in teh car with the crazy dog who should have already had loads of walks today? This:

Yeah, it's good times.
So anyway, we went out the other night to the-field-that-is-enclosed (aka the only place Hazel is allowed off lead at the moment) and Hazel had a ridiculously good time. She has the 10 meter line but she doesn't run around the same when she is on it. 

We also happened to notice that there was some weirdness going on with the sky and it took us about a million and a half years to realize that it is the OMGWTFBBQ Ash Cloud. So in case you wanted to know what the Cloud of Airline Anguish looks like, here it is: 
I also thought that this picture that I took when Hazel and I were waiting in the car after for Dave to get something in a shop was kind of interesting and I like the way that it highlights the disgustingness of the back window of the car. Mmm, dog nose slime!

Oh, and look at this! 
Which turned out way better than the group-shot-panting-Watsons:

That's all I got for today folks!

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