Monday, 22 June 2009


004, originally uploaded by missjoules.

Yesterday we went to the vet because Hazel has had a dodgy ear. The vet gave it a 1 on her scale of bad ear infections which was great, I'm glad we caught it early. She was also really, really great. Especially compared to the vet we had the last time we were there. When she had dispensed Hazel's ear drops (oh yes, they're back, and she is *not* pleased) we asked about getting her chipped which was then done. Dave Held Hazel while I looked away and the lady did the chipping which went quite smoothly. Dave says that he is not entirely convinced that she did it and that Hazel just made the beeping noise by herself :P. Hazel didn't make a sound and the area the chip was put in didn't seem to bother her at all. She was a champ.

We got home and I said that she took it like a man and Dave said, "No way. A man would have whimpered." So there we have it, folks. My puppy is tougher than my husband.

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